Bird Watching

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For those who are willing to invest their time, engaging in bird watching around the Derby Townsite proves to be a highly fulfilling endeavor, with over 200 species documented.

Prime birding locations in and around the townsite include:

  • The mangroves and mudflats of the jetty and boat ramp.
  • The wetlands formed by the sewerage outlet to the south of the town. In 2001, a portion of the wetland water was redirected to the golf course, resulting in occasional drying. Nevertheless, the sewage ponds and the surrounding area remain excellent spots for observing various bird species.
  • The road alongside the marsh in the cemetery.
  • For those interested in bush birds, the Joonjoo Botanical Trail.
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Twitching in the West Kimberley

Notable species that occur in the West Kimberley include the Black grasswren (Bachsten Creek are on the Munja Track), the Purple-crowned fairy wren (Mornington Station) , White-quilled rock pigeon and Grey shrike thrush (King Leopold Range) and the Red goshawk among others. The rangers at Bell Gorge/Silent Grove and at Windjana Gorge have bird lists for those areas.

Many on the list are migratory species and can only be seen from September to April.