Mangkajara Arts

Mangkaja Arts Resource Centre

Mangkaja Arts Resource Centre is located in the centre of Fitzroy Crossing. It began as an extension of Karrayili Adult Education Centre, first established in 1981 for local people who wanted to learn the English language. The initiative, led by local men, provided a place where people could study and paint their personal stories, bush trips and histories.

Mangkaja is a Walmajarri word for the wet weather shelters erected during wet season. Mangkaja Arts Resource Centre is a community of artists who share land, history and culture. The diversity of artists' backgrounds, between the river and the desert, upbringings and ages is evident in the work with a mix of imagery drawn from traditional, town and station life. Artists have exhibited nationally and internationally and the corporation has an exhibitions program that seeks to maintain a balance between group and solo shows.

Crossing Inn

Crossing Inn

Crossing Inn Art Gallery is a unique feature of the indigenous art that is displayed on the building and that is housed in the Gallery.
All of the art in the Gallery is for sale, produced by locals. Each day during peak season (April to October) the Gallery offers morning tea creating the perfect environment in which to sit and enjoy the art while deciding which piece to purchase.



Ngurra Arts

Ngurra Arts

Ngurra Arts is located at Ngumpan Community 90 kilometres east of Fitzroy Crossing. Kurungal Council Inc runs the project, and is made up of three member communities: Kupartiya, Ngumpan and Wangkatjungka.

Artists from these communities and Bawoorrooga Community produce strong works for sale, including paintings on canvas, printed bags, beads made from local seds, soaps and wooden artifacts. The purpose of Ngurra Arts is to keep our culture strong, to make artworks and help the young people to carry on their families stories.

Laarri Gallery

Laarri Gallery

Laarri Gallery is located at Yiyili Community 164 kilometres east of Fitzroy Crossing. The gallery was established in 1999 in a collaboration between Yiyili Community School and Yiyili Community Indigenous Corporation. Artists create and produce original works on canvas and some artifacts such as coolamons, didgeridoos, boomerangs, and painted boab nuts.'

The goal of Laarri Gallery is to provide a place for local artists to work and a space to show. At Yiyili the money raised from artwork sales goes directly back into the community, not only supporting the artisits, but the community at large.
