Mowanjum's Role in Your Gibb River Road Adventure

Published on Tuesday, 30 July 2024 at 12:24:17 PM

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Situated at the gateway to the Kimberley’s iconic Gibb River Road, nine kilometres from the town of Derby, lays the Mowanjum Aboriginal Art and Culture Centre. The centre is a must for anybody looking to explore the Gibb, providing visitors with an overview of the rich Aboriginal culture of the Gibb River Road region.


Ngarinyin Worrorra woman, Mowanjum resident and artist Kirsty Burgu says that visiting the Arts and Cultural Centre will prepare you for what you will see on your trip on the Gibb. “We educate them here first,” she said. “We are just preparing them to look after themselves when they're travelling out there”. “Do not touch anything, do not take from the land, and always see a Traditional Owner, a person from the country, when you're going there because they are the ones who keep you safe.”

The community of Mowanjum is home to three displaced tribes, the Worrorra, Ngarinyin and Wunumbal people. All of them are connected by their creator spirit, the Wandjina, who guides and protects the people of the land. Though the Wandjina may seem intimidating to some, Ms Burgu wants visitors to understand that the spirit is a protector and force for good. “The Wandjina is a protector, our creator spirit that gave us everything, gave us our law, how we live amongst each other, our culture, how we interact and have that relationship, our kinship,” she said.

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“He gave us the land, the clan groups, how we maintain everything on land, the sea, and even the air, and how we connect with our animals. Everything in creation, even the ground that you walk on, we are connected to it from Wandjina”.


Mowanjum Aboriginal Art and Culture Centre manager Liane Wendt agrees that a visit to the centre is a must. “I think especially if you travel to Gibb River Road, you definitely should come here because you travel the lands where the Wandjinas belong to,” she said. “If you go anywhere, you should know where you're actually going and about the culture because otherwise, what's the point? It's essential if you travel the Gibb River Road, it's essential to come here”.

Not only can you learn about the region's history and the Wandjina spirit, but you can also pick up locally produced art as a souvenir of the region and support the local Indigenous artists.


Mowanjum resident and artist Kirsty Burgu explained that visitor support is crucial, with all profits from sales going back into the community and to the maintenance of the Arts and Cultural Centre. “By doing this art, telling the stories, it’s giving back to the people too, through this art centre,” she said. The funds from the paintings that sell, whatever sells here, a lot of it goes to the artists, and the rest goes to maintain this building, to keep it open”.


Centre manager Liane Wendt agrees, saying art holds immeasurable importance not just for Mowanjum but also for all Indigenous communities. “In every community, art plays such an important role,” She said. “Since there are not that many jobs around, that really supports the families financially, of course, but it also helps them reconnect with spirits, beliefs, and culture. Yeah, it's a major source of income, but it's also a major source of keeping culture alive”.


So make Mowanjum Arts and Cultural Centre a must see on your next trip up the Gibb!

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